In the Studio Navigation window, click the Settings tab.
Open Groups

Click the Groups tab.
Create Group

Click the Create Group button [1].
Note: Studio displays a notification if you are not already a member of a group [2].
Enter Group Name

In the Create Group screen, enter a name for the group in the Group Name field.
Add Group Members

To add a person to the group, enter the person's name in the Add People field [1]. In the search results list, click the name.
View Group Member List

Group members display in the Group Members list [1]. You can also view each member's group role [2].
Note: When you create a group, you are automatically added to the group as a group manager [3].
View Group Member Roles

Studio group users may have one of two group member roles.
By default, group members are added with the Member role [1]. Members can share Studio media content with other members in the group.
Alternatively, group members may be assigned the Manager role [2]. Managers can share content with other group members, add and remove group members, and assign others as group managers.
To change a group member's user role, locate the user in the list and click the Role drop-down menu [3]. Click to select a user role [4].
Remove Group Member

To remove a group member from the list, locate the user in the list and click the Role drop-down menu [1]. Then click the Remove from Group option [2].
Save Group

Click the Save button.