You can submit a Canvas Studio video or audio file as a File Upload assignment in Canvas.
Before you upload a video or audio file as Canvas Studio media, confirm the title and description of your video or audio file. You will not be able to edit the title or description after the media is uploaded.
Note: You can submit Canvas Studio media assignments via the web or the Canvas by Instructure Android or iOS app.
Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Note: If the Assignments link is not available in your course, you may be able to access the assignment through other Canvas areas such as modules, units, or in your user dashboard.
Open Assignment

Click the name of the assignment.
Start Assignment

Click the Start Assignment button.
Open Canvas Studio

Click the Canvas Studio tab.
Locate Media

In your Studio account, locate the video or audio file you want to submit.
By default, media is displayed in the order in which it was added to your library.
To search for a video or audio file, click the Search icon [1].
To sort and filter media, use the Sort and Filter drop-down menus [2].
Upload New Media

You can also upload new media from a screen capture, your webcam, a file on your computer, or an external link to a file on Vimeo or YouTube. To upload new media, click the Create drop-down menu [1]. Then, select one of the upload options [2].
You can also drag and drop media into the window. You can bulk upload multiple media files at a time. The maximum file size for a media upload is 10 GB.
Note: Media upload options may look different depending on the browser you are using.
Select Media

Hover over the media you want to select and click the Select button.
Select Embed Options

You can display Media Tabs in the embedded media file. The Media Tabs can include the Details, Comments, Insights, and Captions tabs. To hide the Media Tabs in the embedded media file, click the Display Media Tabs toggle button [1]. By default, this option is turned on.
To display the download option in the embedded media file, click the Allow Media Download toggle on [2]. By default, this option is turned off.
Note: The Display Download Option toggle button only displays if you are the owner who created and uploaded the media file in Studio.
Embed Media

Click the Embed button.
Submit Assignment

The website URL displays for your selected media. If you want to choose another video or audio file, click the Change button [1].
To add any comments as part of your submission, enter them in the Additional Comments field [2].
To submit the assignment, click the Submit Assignment button [3].
View Submission

View your submission verification.
To view your media submission, click the Submission Details link [1].
To re-submit your media, click the New Attempt button [2].